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Showing posts from November, 2007

A Message for Pastor Mike

The Snow Does Not Go Away! Pastor Mike (a guy I work with) moved from the the lower mainland of BC this spring. He now lives in Winnipeg, after having never been farther east then Kenora in his life. He is uneducated about our weather, which at this time of year could be described as "crisp." It seems like every day he comes in to the office with what is for him a new revelation, and what is for us the reality of living in cold weather every winter for all of our lives. Here are his revelations: excitedly, "I had frost on the INSIDE of my windshield this morning, wow!" "It's so great, my car spun out in the parking lot!" After I made a comment that we won't see the ground for a while..."this snow will melt won't it? Are you telling me this snow won't melt? Don't you guys get any chinooks or warm weather or anything?" Mike...the snow will be here at least until march, get used to it!

God is Really Difficult

I have been taking a break from blogging over the last couple months or so. I really enjoy blogging (it works like therapy for me), but I have found that I have been dealing with some really heavy issues the last while and have decided to not make it a priority. I guess now I realize that I really need the therapy. A while ago I wrote a post entitled Bathing For Jesus , where I described how I have enjoyed reading and praying in the bath. The truth is that since I have started doing that the impact has been devastating. I know that God is a loving God and loves me, but it seems like he keeps hitting me over the head with his love. I feel like God is saying, "I love you so much, and I have also given you many things, many advantages in life." Then it seems like he is saying, "I love a lot of other people also, people who do not have the things you do, people who do not have the advantages you have...I gave you those things so that you would share what I have given you wi...