I am an impetuous person. So far in my life I have held 4 career-type jobs and I am 34. I like to start new things, but I have a hard time finishing them (notice the last post is in March!). I am someone who likes change, but I am never satisfied with it. We are on vacation and visiting my brother in Sexsmith, Alberta (you've heard of a goldsmith and a blacksmith...these guys work on something else here). They have a trampoline, this morning I noticed Nicky (my wife) lying on the trampoline soaking up the sun and I went and lay down beside her. We talked about life and love, and I really enjoyed the conversation. I said, "I could live in a small town like this," and we went on to discuss my need for change and new challenges. The ensuing conversation challenged me to consider something that I have been learning over the last few months. I need to learn to be faithful in the things that I do, not to always look for something new, I need to be content in the life th...
Come along with me on my spiritual journey. I hope to provoke new ideas and challenge thinking, as I do the same for myself.