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My Children...Disciples

I am just sitting in the library listening (well...half listening as I write a sermon) to the Exponential Conference online (it's a conference for people planting churches), and just heard this one little bit from Greg Nettle. It is a convicting example, and maybe it's harsh and probably it's not the way I would have spoken it, but here is approximately what he said...then adapted it to my situation. One day when I stand before God, I don't want to stand there and say to him, "God, look at what happened at Grace Point! People whose lives were destroyed received grace and love, people who needed hope, got it in you through what happened there.  Isn't it great?!" Only to have God say to me, "Yeah, but where are your kids? Where's Ben? Where's Hannah? Where's Owen?" I don't know if he meant it as a guilt thing, but I am sitting in the library crying my eyes out.  Am I discipling my kids? Do I care more about the grace and hope t...
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A Big Decision

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The Best Babysitter EVER!!

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House Fire Update

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House Fire!

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da ose

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The Medium is the Message

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