I've been reading The Radical Reformission by Mark Driscoll and I came across something that helped clarify my thoughts on my Jesus is the Question post I put up a while ago, Mark says, "Jesus is not a means to things such as wealth, health, heaven, happiness, wisdom and success in marriage, church ministry, theology or politics. Any time that Jesus is used as a means to an end, a false gospel has been introduced..." Jesus is not the answer to all of life's problems, we tend to make him out to be that, and when Christians have problems (with wealth, health, heaven, happiness, wisdom and success in marriage, church ministry, theology or politics) we can't figure out why that is the case. If we live life like Jesus we would live a sinless life, having compassion on others, and Jesus will help us with our life...but it does not mean it will not be difficult. I wish it were not so.
I have been thinking quite a lot about homelessness (over the last two years especially) and have come to all kinds of conclusions about myself and the things that I (and the church) need to do in order to help people who are in that situation. I have been involved in a few organizations who work with homeless people and met with many people to discuss what I/we should be doing to help. I finally discovered something very important that I can do right now. I am reading t his book called Bent Hope which is a really interesting read. The author is a Youth Worker who works with young people who live on the streets in Toronto. He walks the streets and hangs out with them and helps when he can. He basically just tells the stories of his encounters with people and talks a little bit about what he has learned from them. I am loving it! So, I know what I am supposed to do to help homelessness. In his book, pretty much everyone he encounters he mentions how they come from a family situa...