I think that this whole situation is a symptom of a larger issue. Christians are so scared of becoming like the people "of the world" that they feel the need to separate themselves as much as possible. However, I believe Christians have a lot to offer the world and should therefore be entering into it as often as possible so that people can see what it is that Christians have to offer.
I have been thinking quite a lot about homelessness (over the last two years especially) and have come to all kinds of conclusions about myself and the things that I (and the church) need to do in order to help people who are in that situation. I have been involved in a few organizations who work with homeless people and met with many people to discuss what I/we should be doing to help. I finally discovered something very important that I can do right now. I am reading t his book called Bent Hope which is a really interesting read. The author is a Youth Worker who works with young people who live on the streets in Toronto. He walks the streets and hangs out with them and helps when he can. He basically just tells the stories of his encounters with people and talks a little bit about what he has learned from them. I am loving it! So, I know what I am supposed to do to help homelessness. In his book, pretty much everyone he encounters he mentions how they come from a family situa...
Why have we done this in the first place? Is it just an easy way to protect ourselves? To feel good about ourselves? Or is it something else?
The problem I see is that bands, regardless of genre, that have started out with deeply religious songs and themes, move away from that in a effort to expand their music, and they are completely shunned by the purists for not being "true Christians". They are removed from the Christian bookstores, and youth pastors everywhere warn their kids to beware of "imitators of the faith." At the same time, the music industry shuns them for their Christian roots. They become "not Christian enough" for the church kids and "too Christian" for the secular kids. P.O.D., Blindside, Amy Grant, Vince Gill, Lifehouse, MxPx, and Zao are all good examples of this.
Both sides of the music industry need to lighten up and realize that music, in its essence, is an expression of self and nothing more.
There are my two cents... have a great day.