This post is not some weird theology on is just that lately I have begun to understand the allure of bathing over showering. During the time when I had my hand bandaged, I was not supposed to get it wet and so baths were the easiest thing to do, the practice has continued over the last while though. I really enjoy a number of things about bathing. I love that I can take as long as I want and I won't use any more water...I love that I can read while I get clean...I love that it is a private time where I am alone and can be immersed in my thoughts (so to speak). I have been using the time in the bath tub to read the Bible or some sort of spiritually encouraging book and just talk to God about the day, some of my friends and how I can become more like Jesus. It has become the best part of my bring on the bath salts, the bubble bath and the candles...I am bathing for Jesus!
I have been thinking quite a lot about homelessness (over the last two years especially) and have come to all kinds of conclusions about myself and the things that I (and the church) need to do in order to help people who are in that situation. I have been involved in a few organizations who work with homeless people and met with many people to discuss what I/we should be doing to help. I finally discovered something very important that I can do right now. I am reading t his book called Bent Hope which is a really interesting read. The author is a Youth Worker who works with young people who live on the streets in Toronto. He walks the streets and hangs out with them and helps when he can. He basically just tells the stories of his encounters with people and talks a little bit about what he has learned from them. I am loving it! So, I know what I am supposed to do to help homelessness. In his book, pretty much everyone he encounters he mentions how they come from a family situa...