I was listening to CHVN (the Christian radio station in Winnipeg) for a little while the other day and I got really angry. I have always been bothered by their slogan which says, "CHVN, safe and fun for the whole family." That morning the DeeJay was introducing a song and said something like, "now here is Michael W. Smith with Friends on CHVN...SAFE!" and the music kicked in (I don't actually remember the name of the song) He emphasized the word safe as if it was some profound word that stated what the station was all about. I worry about that, since I believe that Christianity is a lot of things, the least of which is safe. We try to make it safe, but...I don't think Jesus intended for following him to be a safe practice...He died for it after all...that doesn't sound safe...Jesus asked us to take up our cross (an ancient capitol punishment tool) and follow him...that doesn't sound safe. I try to make Christianity safe, by shielding myself from the real world, but it was never intended to be that way. Shame on me.
I have been reading Shane Claiborne's book called "the Irresistible Revolution" and he talks about how giving our life to Christ actually ruins it, because the demands on our life and the way we live it become extremely difficult. He asks us to love people as he loved us...does that mean we die for them...even when they don't like us and maybe even hate us? Sounds like what Jesus did.
I have been thinking quite a lot about homelessness (over the last two years especially) and have come to all kinds of conclusions about myself and the things that I (and the church) need to do in order to help people who are in that situation. I have been involved in a few organizations who work with homeless people and met with many people to discuss what I/we should be doing to help. I finally discovered something very important that I can do right now. I am reading t his book called Bent Hope which is a really interesting read. The author is a Youth Worker who works with young people who live on the streets in Toronto. He walks the streets and hangs out with them and helps when he can. He basically just tells the stories of his encounters with people and talks a little bit about what he has learned from them. I am loving it! So, I know what I am supposed to do to help homelessness. In his book, pretty much everyone he encounters he mentions how they come from a family situa...
I heard that too when I was home and cringed. Yep, what the heck? Anyway, great book bro. He has some good talks on public radio too. Look up american public radio and search for him. Miss ya
"he's not safe but he's good."