I have entered the dark underworld of a mustache growing contest, having been drawn in by Nicky's (my wife's) brothers. This is a picture of how put together I looked without a mustache. If you look at the picture below, it would seem that the mustache itself has gotten to me. I am not saying that growing a mustache means you become a drunk, sleazy, stuck in the 80s, trying-to-be-young-but-not-being-successful-at-it type of person, but that is what it has done to me. I find that when I walk I have a different gait, one that I tried to use back in Jr. High...to look cool. I find that I have a renewed passion for wearing hi-top shoes with the laces undone. I have a need to wear brigh
t coloured clothing, and I have been looking for acid-wash pants at Value Village (unsuccesfully).
The thing is that I also have many good friends who are growing mustaches, and have had mustaches for a long period of time, it doesn't seem to have this kind of impact on them.
I work at a church, and therefore, I am exposed to many different people...all of whom are my boss to some degree. I find the need to explain as often as possible that I am in a mustache growing contest - especially to those who are younger than me. The youth at church think it is horrible, they think that it makes me look like a greasy guy, they question my sanity - that I would even consider getting involved in such a contest calls for such a question in their mind. Then, when I am around the 40 plus crowd - you know the demographic that per capita has the largest percentage of upper lip hair growth - I am very uncomfortable. I am not trying to insult those people by growing a mustache, or by making fun of myself while doing it, but it certainly could be taken that way. Maybe they think I am being disrespectful, I hope that I am not, but I power on and soon I will be the champion of the mustache growing contest...then what will all the nay-sayers say...