I, with the help of my friend Stephen (thanks Stephen), was moving my desk to the other corner in my office - to make it more homey :). I had my computer on the desk and a bunch of other stuff. In the process I knocked over a small computer speaker (weighing about 1/8 of a pound), it fell about 3 inches, landed on the side of a Pepsi can. I hear a loud POP! almost like a gunshot, and all of the sudden there is Pepsi everywhere. Because of this experience I have come to the conclusion that PEPSI SUCKS...for two reasons:
- The taste is terrible - if it actually tasted good it wouldn't have been sitting on my desk in the first place, it would be in my belly. Somebody left this can on my desk months ago, and I haven't taken the time to drink it.
- Obviously the quality of their cans leaves something to be desired - I know let's put something that can dissolve a nail in a month, put it under pressure in a thin aluminum can...this should be fun
I guess I can't fight for this too much, I don't really care for pop in general. They're all crap to me.
I'm just saying, Pepsi is the lesser of the two evils...