I am an impetuous person. So far in my life I have held 4 career-type jobs and I am 34. I like to start new things, but I have a hard time finishing them (notice the last post is in March!). I am someone who likes change, but I am never satisfied with it.
We are on vacation and visiting my brother in Sexsmith, Alberta (you've heard of a goldsmith and a blacksmith...these guys work on something else here). They have a trampoline, this morning I noticed Nicky (my wife) lying on the trampoline soaking up the sun and I went and lay down beside her. We talked about life and love, and I really enjoyed the conversation.
I said, "I could live in a small town like this," and we went on to discuss my need for change and new challenges. The ensuing conversation challenged me to consider something that I have been learning over the last few months. I need to learn to be faithful in the things that I do, not to always look for something new, I need to be content in the life that I currently lead, not to always look for the greener grass on the other side. The former leads to loyalty, faithful friends, strong relationships. The latter could lead to something great as well, but I never want to sacrifice the former. I am making a change, a new commitment (old habits die hard) to the old things in my life...
A we were sort of wrapping up our conversation, our 3 year old Owen came running out of the house, yelling, "I'M GOING TO BOUNCE YOU GUYS!" and proceeded to jump all around us. A great game of tag, tickling, bouncing and laughing ensued between Nicky, Owen and I...I love the things that stay the same in my life!