Mark Oestreicher posted a really great part of a book that he is writing about Middle Schoolers. He and I must be a similar age, because I really identify with this stuff. Makes me feel old when I think about all that has happened in my lifetime. Enjoy the list... scott rubin and i need a little help from you for our middle school ministry book. in the “middle school culture” chapter, we have a list of things that didn’t exist when we were in middle school (well, at least when i was in middle school, in the mid-70s). here’s what we have: - Cell phones - The internet (meaning, websites and buying stuff online and everything else that is so completely normal today) - Text Messages - IM - Hybrid Cars - Social Networking - “Friends with benefits” - “Bi-Curious” - Cable TV - Digital Video Recording (or TiVo) - Mp3s and downloadable music - DVDs - Hi-Def - Satellite Radio - Xboxes and Wiis and other amazing gaming systems (“Pong” was introduced when I, Marko, was a young teen, and “Space ...
Come along with me on my spiritual journey. I hope to provoke new ideas and challenge thinking, as I do the same for myself.