I am a Christian...I believe in a dude named Jesus and I try to live my life like him...I am also a Pastor, which basically to me means that I get paid to...believe in a dude named Jesus and try to live my life like him.
I am increasingly uncomfortable with that idea. I often wonder if it cheapens my christianity, or if it makes who I am unauthentic.
I remember when I volunteered to work with young people I would often say things like this to the young people, "I just believe in this so much, I really love you guys, I don't get paid to be here, I do it because I truly care." I can't say that any more. I do believe that I do it because I love it, and I can't imagine doing anything else.
I guess I just want to be authentic in my beliefs and in sacrificing for those beliefs...I am not sure how I do that in the situation I am in.
Just think - fellow Christians strongly feel that it's important to have leaders who are able to devote their lives to studying, sharing, leading by example, and bringing then together through Christ. They're willing to fund that so that you don't have to spend 40 hours a week doing something else, leaving little time or energy left to concentrate on what it is to be a Christian and to be a leader in a Christian community. I don't think getting paid cheapens it at all. I think it makes it possible!
I don't have any answers for you in regards to getting paid to be a Christian worker, but I do think about the same things from time to time. I see it that I am not getting paid to follow Jesus, I am getting paid to support my family as I share Jesus. Paul talks about bringers of the Gospel being taken care of and being worth their wages/
1 Tim. 5:17-18. Heres hoping I don't take that out of context.
Anyway bro, continue to wrestle but let God speak.
Like others have said, I don't think you are being paid to be a Christian, but rather you are being supported in your God-given calling to serve His people. If you think the amount, the nature, etc. of your pay & job are wrong, that is another matter altogether.
Praying that you find wisdom through this.
I leave you with two things, one a blog that is fantastic for the struggling Christian:
And these verses Hebrews 12:1-3
...let us also lay aside every encumbrance (the good things, self-effort) and the sin (bad things) which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith,... so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
When you are fixed on Jesus...everything else is behind Him. He holds all things together.
Remember who you are now, a beloved child of God. Holy, dearly love. You are the joy set before Him. You are His treasure. You are His pearl. You are a saint. Because of Jesus, that is who you are. A new creation.
Blessings to you.