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Showing posts from September, 2007

I Hate Socks

I have always had a disdain for wearing socks...however, I do live in Winnipeg and there is the occassional need for them - sandals are uncomfortable in -30 degrees celsius. I go with sandals as long as possible. My son Ben though, he has a whole different level of hatred for socks. He is just starting grade 1 and is slowly adjusting to being at school all day. He is a very social kid though and really seems to like school. He had been going a week and a half and we decided that we would go to Boissevain for Nicky's Dad's 70th birthday, this meant that Ben would miss school on Monday. As we were driving back we asked him if he was sad that he missed school that day...his face lit up and he said, "Nooo, I didn't have to wear socks all day ! My feet weren't hot." Of all the reasons not to like school the only one that sticks out to him is the fact that he has to wear socks and his feet are hot. He is suffering...I know how he feels.

Radical Change - Does it Happen?

I know radical change does happen, I have seen it. People who change their lives in a moment and it lasts a lifetime. Alcoholics who choose not to drink one day, and never touch a drop the rest of their lives. People, like Zaccheus in the Bible, who are thieves one day and generous givers after an encounter that changes their life. But, I think that this is not the normal way that people change, or the way that God changes people most times. I think change takes time. Sometimes we sit around waiting for God to strike us with lightning or "give us a sign" or a huge experience that forces us to change who we are, and most of the time, that does not happen...and so we are waiting for...nothing. Change is gradual, it is often quiet. If I wished that I was a great hockey player I wouldn't expect to become that after learning how to skate one day, but it seems like if I want to become a great person or Christian I expect myself to change overnight into that person. I h...


My friend dale had this personality test posted on his blog ...I thought I would try it out. ApparentlyI am extremely intuitive and not sensing at all. They describe my personality type as this: ENFP - The "Advocate" Myers-Briggs Personality Types (Free Test) ENFPs are introspective, values-oriented, inspiring, social and extremely expressive. They actively send their thoughts and ideas out into the world as a way to bring attention to what they feel to be important, which often has to do with ethics and current events. ENFPs are natural advocates, attracting people to themselves and their cause with excellent people skills, warmth, energy and positivity. ENFPs are described as creative, resourceful, assertive, spontaneous, life-loving, charismatic, passionate and experimental. This is way more positive then is realistic, sounds more like what I wish I was then what I actually am.

Being a "Safe" Christian

I was listening to CHVN (the Christian radio station in Winnipeg) for a little while the other day and I got really angry. I have always been bothered by their slogan which says, "CHVN, safe and fun for the whole family." That morning the DeeJay was introducing a song and said something like, "now here is Michael W. Smith with Friends on CHVN... SAFE !" and the music kicked in (I don't actually remember the name of the song) He emphasized the word safe as if it was some profound word that stated what the station was all about. I worry about that, since I believe that Christianity is a lot of things, the least of which is safe. We try to make it safe, but...I don't think Jesus intended for following him to be a safe practice...He died for it after all...that doesn't sound safe...Jesus asked us to take up our cross (an ancient capitol punishment tool) and follow him...that doesn't sound safe. I try to make Christianity safe, by shielding myself ...

Bathing for Jesus

This post is not some weird theology on is just that lately I have begun to understand the allure of bathing over showering. During the time when I had my hand bandaged, I was not supposed to get it wet and so baths were the easiest thing to do, the practice has continued over the last while though. I really enjoy a number of things about bathing. I love that I can take as long as I want and I won't use any more water...I love that I can read while I get clean...I love that it is a private time where I am alone and can be immersed in my thoughts (so to speak). I have been using the time in the bath tub to read the Bible or some sort of spiritually encouraging book and just talk to God about the day, some of my friends and how I can become more like Jesus. It has become the best part of my bring on the bath salts, the bubble bath and the candles...I am bathing for Jesus!